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Time Capsule Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Time Capsule Assignment - Essay Example The Baroque time container, then again, will contain objects of a far various kind. The things in...

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Separation Of Separation Anxiety Disorder - 1017 Words

Separation anxiety Disorder Have you ever been attached to something? Have you ever thought or felt that your life couldn’t continue without this object? Separation anxiety is very common, statistic show that at least thirty three percent of the population has this disorder. This disorder is the fear of being separated from something or someone. The subject with the disorder views separation as detrimental to their well-being. Caregivers, stuff animals, money, and cell phones are examples of objects people have separation anxiety towards. Separation anxiety is very common in infants and children. Infants one to eight months of age often show signs of anxiety when approached. Unknown people can cause the infant to cry. This is a normal†¦show more content†¦Children experience separation disorder in a more severe form than infant Children may develop physical complications when separated. Children sometimes get an upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting. Symptoms include hyperventilating headaches and diarrhea. Behavioral symptoms that a child might exhibit when they have anxiety include hesitancy or refusal to separate from the caregiver. The children may start begging, whining, and crying. Having tantrums if confronted with separation is normal. They may refuse to go to school or even refuse to sleep alone. Teen’s experience separation anxiety quite frequently. when separated from their cell phone, or friends. Signs of separation disorder included the constant worry of where the phone is located. They worry about battery life. Adults become paranoid and expect th e worst. They begin to hyperventilate some get headaches and become very anxious. Symptoms of separation anxiety disorder are prolonged fear and anxiety when a person or object is separated from the patient. They unrealistically worry about the safety of a loved one. The fear is so intense that it activates the sympathetic nervous system. By activating the sympathetic nervous system the body automatically mobilizes to get back what has been lost. For example, a mother is shopping in the store with her toddler. The child stumbles off without the mother knowing, as soon the mother notices her child missing she darts off looking for him. During this period of time

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